Chapter VI: The Bubbling-Bogs. “So the Bubbling-Bogs eh?” Grimace called the swamps, the destinations the rumors have decidedly lead them to. She came to a slow, tilting her body downwards as Manis hopped off. Springing his knees as dust puffed around him. “I can take you as far as the path in the forest, just follow it, you won’t be able to miss the bogs. When you’re ready my dear, say my name! and you will find my shadow over you, no matter what I have to trample to get to you! Now! Run along, there’s a kingdom waiting for you!” She pauses with a bubbling cackle… “And Manis… lest you forget I’m always watching; They’ll never be able to stop you… just trust in me... trust in the darkness...follow it unto the sea of Oblivion…Follow destruction can only mean rebirth…” Her voice hums, vibrates, lulling Manis into a haze that paralyzes him and his visions begins to shake. Before Manis can readjust his vision, her ruby eyes glistening against the torches light, making them...
The page you find yourself reading, is the only documentation, the only accounts of a microcosm infected in a state of perpetual terminus. I, Ghloth The Astral, am one of the four, archaic observers, spawned into creation by the grand archaic ones- The Watchers. Three ages have come and passed, the only light that fills the sky, is the hope that some mortal, somewhere, reading this, might just be the next one to light this doomed lands, fading, and hopeless, worldly fire.