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The Chronicles of The Abyss: 2, Chapter I: The First Age, an era of Darkness.

The First King of 

Manis Furin,
The King of 

Joshua Wilmoth

Chapter I: The First Age, An Era Of Darkness.

The watchers smiled upon Dome-Wyrd's flourishing existence, everything had gone according to plan. They created "The First Ones." Whom possessed immeasurable and untold power. The watchers themselves destined The First Ones to create a land of prosperity, ruling over its irrefutable, ever-expanding splendor. They were not only responsible for, but capable of shaping the landscape itself. 

When the lands formed, bodies of water rose into place. Basins & waterways spawned where the landscape dipped, trees and forests flourished, mountains began to rumble on the plains green surface. Towering surfaces of rocks rose to shake the land, far above the pearly clouds, and shake they did. The rolling hills were graced by delicate white and red flowers, the then land began to shift and elevate. 

To the east, the ground fissured, a crack ripped the ground, causing the rising rocks to shift. Sand pours and funnels through the cracked fissure of earth, giving Dome-Wyrd its sprawling canyons and encroaching desert. The entire province shook in a violent, pulsing wave. Forming the great hilly vale of Domewyrd. The place in this young microcosm, that will soon be known as their homelands, a land of astounding beauty. Even the beautiful can be corrupted. Where there lies hope, betrayal can only follow. 

Vaea; The goddess of life gave this young sprawling world its first breath of existence. She gave Dome-Wyrd civilization, she gave it beauty, unarguably, she gave it life. 

Vaea her dreadful self, gave these sprawling lands their first years of mortals, dwarves, and elves, along with every year and race that has transpired ever since!
In this young and foolish world. The first age, although it was an era worthy of song and tale, it was indeed, an age of darkness. 

A time in this juvenile world where the sun graced no valleys, the moon illuminated no paths. There were no days and no nights in the vacant sky. In the times of yore, it was an endless night, a terrible night that never saw a sun rise, that never once had a dawn. Before the plagues, and certainly much before the great tempest of fire that changed these once beautiful lands for an eternity. 

Much, much, before that. 
In a young world, with an endless midnight, the question remains for all the young elves, dwarves, and mortals alike. That the night is darkest just before the dawn, aye, but still, the question remains. When is the dawn coming?

In the north, colossal mountains stood over Domewyrd, their peaks covered in heavy, dense, snow. It was a daunting valley of mountains that stood over Dome-Wyrd’s stretching vale, with a rugged-peak peeking over the rest, peering high-above. 
The clouds were tinted, a deep, dark, grey. 

To the south of this daunting mountain range, lied miles upon miles of beautiful vacant valleys, graced by plains & hills that stretched across the bleak, unlit horizon. Rife with colorful flowers of blues, reds, and whites, bits of orange swayed about as well. 

There were in fact, so many willows, tulips, and lilacs that they painted the somber horizon. With what little color this young world had, Vaea graced the budding lands with a vibrant, variegated beauty, that she herself called nature.

Further south, past the seemingly endless spectacle of rolling hills, vast deserts, deep canyons, vibrant flowers, and undoubtedly lush forests. Over those daunting hills that seemed to touch the vacuous skyline. There stood a field of grand oak trees, they rivaled the neighboring & daunting mountains to the north. This thick greenwood covered the entire southern province of Dome-Wyrd. Trees encased the entire south, in southern Domewyrd there rested miles of bogs, only complimented by a thick and dreary, creaking wood.

This sprawling beauty of a content named: "Domewyrd."— Was an empty canvas, an empty canvas that needed to be filled with life and guided to prosperity. Although where prosperity thrives, terrible, ghastly things only seem to flock. 
The cold winds of greed gusted through the tall grass. 

Vibrant meadows, rampant with color. Traveling among the lands and creaking the greenwood, there were no paths, there was no civilization, well, at least not yet. 
The rain pattering against the mighty mountains and its rugged peaks. The inevitable thunder began crashing in the dark, looming sky; The lightning only painted the gloomy picture that was: the violence of nature.

These were the only sounds that this young world knew. Rain, crashing thunder, and gusting gales. Ever since those impeccable and defining moments of its irrefutable creation, its birth, there has been nothing but silence inhabiting this juvenile microcosm.

Vaea smiled upon the immense landscape, her smile stretched wryly. Her slender legs tapped against the marble balcony in Fairgun-Gard. Which rested high above Domewyrd, levitating betwixt the murky clouds. Throwing her head back, her flowing hair waved and bounced. Her eyes illuminated a blinding gold, as she looked to the sky her eyes pierced through the disappointing clouds. She inhaled, slowly, panning her gaze downwards. 

This was the first light the world had ever seen, in a time before mortals. In a time before elves and dwarves, aye, it was even a time before demons ran rampant across the land.

A golden energy weaved around Vaea's curves. Coiling around her feet, spiraling upwards toward her neck. It began to resonate a vapor of starlight, starting where the coil spawned, at her feet. Rising up, filling the coil with a vibrant light. Until it reached her golden-eyes. They were dancing with a swelling flame. Adorning Domewyrd with the first light it had ever witnessed. Vapors of ethereal light seeped into her glowing eyes. The vapors wafted into her nostrils. Her mouth was moving involuntarily. The words she chanted, In a deep, booming voice, were not not that of a woman, nor a goddess, nay, it was the voice of many. 

Something greater than even The First One’s existence. A force more immense than even Vaea, the goddess of life herself could even hope to fathom. The coiling energy that encased, that seeped into Vaea, it began to pulsate. Pouring an incessant light into her agape mouth. Her eyes shook, they then suddenly grew wide, practically bulging with power. With one final word her chanting ceased. The coiling energy slowly dissipated, reversing itself to the bottom of her feet, from whence it came.

As the light faded around Vaea, this untold power forced her to shake immensely. Barely able to grasp the railing on the balcony without chipping the marble. She struggled, the railing chipped and cracked, her bones were shivering, hardly able to handle a sudden weight that had now possessed her frame. 
For the first moment since her birth, she questioned her fate. The rays of light spewing from her eyes began to hum louder, expanding in volume, amplifying its deafening ferocity. abruptly, her mouth was agape. It sank far too low, Vaea screamed in horror as her bottom-lip drooped to her chest, elongated and grotesque. Almost instantly another ray of light possessed her mouth, shooting downwards, the humming and pulsing was now twice as loud. Shaking the entire landscape, not only was it the first sound Domewyrd had heard aside from the “violence of nature.” At this particular moment it was the only sound it knew.  

The light was blinding; The humming was deafening. The colossal rays of light were now amplified into blinding pillars of light. Piercing through the earth’s dull surface, to its very core. The blinding pillars of light were not only humming, but quickly began to pulsate a golden shockwave. It shot outwards, in rings, that hummed and vibrated throughout the vast landscape. Echoing & stretching further across the plains, past the daunting mountains, until it echoed against the waves of the raging sea. Just beyond Dome-Wyrd's Sandy shores. They echoed further and further, out until they dissipated with the bleak horizon. The shockwaves quickened, increasing their intensity, faster they pulsated, louder the deafening hum of blinding light became. It now blared, penetrating this once silent, vacant, & innocent world.
Vaea still stood over the balcony, although, half of the railing lied in shambles on the marble floor. Her body was frozen. The pillar of light was still beaming from her soft-eyes and drooping mouth. With one deep breath, and one final act she shrieked. The light vibrating, the blinding pillars of light retracted to her sockets and drooping, agape mouth. Pummeling towards Dome-Wyrd's surface, leaving Vaea’s mouth. 

Upon its wrathful impact it initiated one-last shockwave. A shockwave so immense, that it rippled past the greenwood. Hurling, and chucking trees that cratered into the dirt, but it didn't cease. The violence of nature moved past the thick, creaking-forests, past the bubbling bogs, and finally across the shores, along the beaches of Dome-Wyrd, traveling far-out into its limitless ocean. As far as the mortal eye can see but this time it doesn't dissipate. It remains dormant, it pulsates. Once, twice, and on the third time the shockwaves stretched upward, toward the dark and empty sky. The gold that outlined the shockwaves grew thicker, encasing all of Domewyrd in an orb of a gold. The gold suddenly waxed over and dripped, almost oozing. The humming stopped. The oozing golden orb had instantly hardened and become translucent.
Sporadically the translucent golden orb iced and frosted over. The dome that had suddenly encased Domewyrd had quickly become a solid white. Hardening into a crystal, freezing it completely. 

Vaea heaved out of exhaustion, slumped over the balcony, quickly catching her breath as she inhales, an untold energy weaves between her fingertips, jolting them. Little orbs mutate into existence as she pulls them into bouncing strings of light. Far down, below on Dome-Wyrd's mortal surface, it was now frozen. The entire province encased completely, in a solid-crystal. The frozen dome of light that held all of Domewyrd captive began to meticulously crack. 
Vaea then reeled her hands back in a furious tugging motion, she huffed and gritted her teeth. The energy thickening, almost pouring from her delicate and slender fingers. Shining particles of light speckled her existence. Illuminating her, making her shine in a divine luminescence.

Vorago stood behind her silently, seething a familiar darkness that funneled beneath his robe. He merely stood there, watching his lover weave the fate of the world like the destined god of creation she was. Vorago was enthralled by her undeniable power; The enticing beauty of creation. Nay, not envious my readers, but enthralled. So much so that he slowly moved closer, carefully. Staring his blank, penetrating stare, like a child in awe. Donning a smirk that was the first smile that the juvenile world had ever known.

The crack thickened. It deepened, spreading as the chipping-frost expanded the stressing crack. Quicker and quicker the crack spread down the middle of the encasing dome of frozen light. The crack was spreading even faster, shooting off chips of ice, as it pummeled downward. All the way through the bottom of the dome crashing and scratching the ice. Thumping the soil, kicking up dirt and grass, accompanied by a ripple of energy that pulses through the flowing grass violently. Waving the grass in an unnatural tempo. 

Darker clouds formed in the gloomy unlit sky above. Thunder cued the storm, lightning painted a ferocious picture as the pattering rain continuously fell. The crack now split the dome into two separate halves, but it didn't fall apart, not yet, it just sat there idly for what seemed like months. 
Day, nights, and fortnights later, Vaea had finally stopped casting, but she didn't budge. She didn't move or breathe since she had halted her creation. Vorago looked on over her shoulder, puzzled. Before he could even approach her, he had suddenly thought of the—
'World's first challenge.'

"Yes." He thought, he knew for this foolish and young world to prosper, and for them to be enlightened. That they must first experience suffering, loss, and dire mistakes that sound off in the silent night with an explosive flame. 

Vorago spoke in dire urgency. "That suffering will make its existence known, in the form of Dome-Wyrd’s first beast." Voragos titanic voice boomed. "In the form of titanic golden wings." "I will make this young world know terror, and they will fight that terror to survive." “Or they will dreadfully perish” "In surviving this dreadful terror, these mortals will learn that they will have to advance, adapt, and irrefutably evolve to survive in this dreary and juvenile world." “Lest they perish.” “Death is the unmistakable teacher that accompanies life, for death cannot exist without life.” Vorago's golems orbs peered  at Vaea with admiration, as he continued on—

"Through the role I must play. I will make these mortals affray for their honor." “To teach them for a brighter dawn to follow” "So by the time the next era dawns, the next trial they face." "When this world makes its evil known; they will be prepared."
"They will learn from their mistakes, and trust their neighbor. "
"They will band together, and learn how sacred the beauty of life actually is." "In the beginning of times, plagues must transpire, atrocities must take place, and tragedies must occur." "They will learn from foul turmoil, they will survive, I know of this.” “I hear it from the watchers themselves.” “Whispering from the great beyond, in the center of the vast cosmos, as they are surrounded by legions of demons, striking harmonious violins and chanting in unison. Their existence is even incomprehensible to us, let alone the mortals." "Whatever form this world's evil may take."
"These unworldly tragedies I create will in time become Dome-Wyrd's triumph, it's tales of yore."
"It is Dome-Wyrd's destiny to keep fighting and prosper." "So that one day a golden dawn will shine upon this gloomy land.” “It will illuminate all the sprawling life Vaea and I will create." Vorago stopped speaking and his glew a blinding gold.

Vorago's head felt light, strange even. He had a certain dissociation, and the words that had spewed from his mouth, they didn't particularly feel like his own but rather as if someone else was speaking for him...
He shook off the thought, for some peculiar reason he knew exactly where to place the egg that would one-day spawn 'golden wings.' That would one day soon test Domewyrd, and its unbeknown inhabitants; The ignored value of mortal-life. 
Vorago had no idea how much time had passed, or how in the seven-hells he knew exactly where to put the egg, or even where he got the thought for the egg itself. 

He didn't question it, he gazed toward Vaea, she still hadn't moved. There she stood, standing frozen, lifeless & stiff. Vorago marched toward Fairgun-Gard’s towering double-doors, through the marble palace, its floors glimmered and sparkled. The halls to the right of the throne in the center, towered over Vorago, just slightly. 
The concaved, dome-like ceiling was just high enough to contain the colossal Vorago.  He approached the stone double-doors that were anything but towering for Vorago. His right hand fiercely clutched the right-hand side of the archway. With the mortal air of the mountain Vorago was mutating into his true form, rapidly. His hands pulsated, expanding in volume with an echoing groan. His left hand slamming onto the left side of the archway with an immense crash, with both his hands now bigger than the palace-doors themselves. 

Vorago began pulling himself upward with a roar that echoed. Reverberating throughout Dome-Wyrd's dark and empty skies. He pulled himself out of the entrance. Slowly, one titanic limb at a time. First came his left foot, which he slowly reeled outside of the palace using his hands on the crumbling archway as leverage. Accidentally crashing into the archway that stood above the palace doors, with his expanding shoulders, as blocks of stone broke off and tumbled into the deep snow. His left foot then slammed onto the snowy peak, brisk with falling snow, sinking into the snowfall. Lastly came his right foot, he tugged it with his left arm. Almost losing his balance, he pivots his body as his right foot stood sunken in the snow atop the peak. His left foot then slid across over the other side of the snow-covered mountain. 
Vorago stood hunched over the mountain, he was peering unto the glorious landscape of vibrant green that now stood before him.

It was a beautiful moment, the first Vorago had seen of what he and his lover created. For a split-second and like Domewyrd would soon know, the only time that peace graced the idle lands. Before the time of mortals, before the time of betrayal, even before Vorago himself knew that this would be the age of darkness. 

Upon the horizon in which he was standing on, in all of his pristine and darkened, titanic splendor, he saw the enormous frozen dome that encased all of Domewyrd. It stood there stretching far above the gloomy skies, Vorago was perplexed, he could not place his seething mist on it, he had a churning, wriggling feeling swimming in his gut. Although for some unbeknown reason, he thought nothing of it. Perhaps it was the gorgeous horizon and the seemingly endless spectacle of beauty before him that not only he, but what he & his lover created, together. It was an overwhelming euphoria, it soothed his mind. An uplifting feeling that made him lose time, and perhaps even his mind. He knew in that moment, seeing the splendor of both of their beauty, in an undeniable existence.

He knew that this young world, it was his only purpose, to create and teach this world they had created so that it can prosper, flourish, and grow with the ever-turning wheels of fate. These mortals wouldn’t be his children, although these mortals are beautiful in their own right. Enticing beings, he thought. Quite noticeably different from Vorago, he was a god after all. 
These far-stretching lands. They were his golden love and joy, Vorago may have been created from the watchers far above, but it was Vorago AND Vaea that molded this impeccable beauty, this euphoric land of prosperity; A cosmic gift: Dome-Wyrd. They created all of this on their godly own.

Vorago straightened his back, snow fell from his colossal shoulders as he seethed his unmistakable darkness that fluttered and oscillated around him. The roof of Fairgun-Gard only touched Vorago's titan-sized knees, the immensity of a God was truly the first wonder of Domewyrd. 
A wonder so immense that if a mortal merely glimpsed at a god’s true form. It would mean death itself. 
He began wandering down the mountains, making a haste leap to the beautiful valley below, hitting the ground with a crater and an echoing thud. This crater would soon be the founding discovery of the god’s presence in Dome-Wyrd.

Vorago mumbles to himself. "You know what they say The first step is a foot-print."

Vorago straightened his knees, he took a deep breath, as he exhaled and dark vapors begun to spin around his head. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them, their golden tint, it shone even brighter. A blinding brightness radiated from within. Gazing upon the mortal world he and Vaea had created, he suddenly felt a warped feeling reside within the depths of his mind. As if his thoughts were no longer his own but merely projected into his mind. 
The more he tried to decipher this warping and controlling feeling. The more his mind seemed to gap, pondering on the swarming thought, his thoughts seemed to disconnect from each other. 
Unable to concentrate he now found himself stumbling across the vacant valleys. Losing his balance and crashing into a nearby mountain. 
His elbow slamming into the mountain's peak, penetrating its feeble rocks, as they crumbled and cratered into the valley below his elbow sliced the top-half of the mountain completely off. With the penetration of his colossal elbow, the crumbling peak slid down the other side of the tumbling mountain. Kicking-up rocks and heaps of snow following its plummeting fall. The peak abruptly came to a complete halt at the mountains bottom, concaving the earth around its center.

Vorago heaved as his elbow was resting on the now mutilated mountain top that was completely flattened. He felt a fog dispersing throughout his mind. He couldn't control his thoughts, his vision was shaky, his echoing thoughts were powerful, pulsating, demanding, and crushing. 

The more he tried to think the more he thought about Vaea and her glorious figure. How Vaea seemed to graced the skies themselves, making them shine brighter. Her eyes, oh, her eyes he thought. They seemed to shine and entice him, just from the mere imagining of her undeniable existence. He couldn't separate a single thought from her and her soft, reverberating voice. He swore he could see her in the sky and hear her in his mind, Vorago was in a state of a circling and swarming obsession. 

he still hadn't moved from the wreckage of the crumbled mountain. Laying in the destruction like It was his throne, slumped over, his head-tilted back, his eyes wide, and a continuous moaning groan. A groan so immense that it boomed throughout the lands, blowing through the multicolored meadows on the rolling hills.

Almost catatonic, Vorago heard her voice pass ear-to-ear, his head perked to the side like a curious dog.
His breaths quickened, he felt perspiration on his forehead. As Vorago wiped his forehead, he thought for a moment, "Is this fear?" he pondered, his vision began shifting, the world became wavy, he saw the landscape in a world of doubles. He suddenly felt an unfathomable heat. A sweet one, gods know naught of exhaustion, sweating, sleeping, or fear for that matter. 

They are an endless energy of creation. Vorago was baffled, perplexed, and the more he couldn't wrap his mind around the situation, the more he started to worry. It was as if the darkness he seethed had infected his mind. As if his powers that be, were his own damnation. 
He shouted as his seething darkness reacted to his booming voice that suddenly began to radiate a swarming heat. A heat that warmed the earth and the skies hanging above. Vorago reached into his robe with a quickening frustration, he suddenly was rambling.
"Where, WHERE IN THE DEVIL IS IT?!" His rambling evolved into a shout that shook the world. After moments of searching, and bellowing rage. He felt something golden and orb-like rub against his palms, he started to pull his titanic hand out of his robe. Hunching over the mountain as he rose holding a shining golden egg. His eyebrows tilted, his golden eyes began to brighten and widen. The egg itself radiated a blinding gold, the light that surrounded the egg shone like an aura. 
Vorago began rotating it within his palms and gazed into its beauty. Savoring the moment for a brief second he had forgotten all about the swarming fog that was inevitably infecting his mind and his thoughts. With a slight smirk and a subtle wince, he grasps the egg firmly. Chucking the egg, pursing his lips and grunting, the egg began flying across all of Dome-Wyrd. 

Tossing it with such a dire strength, at such a speed, that it became encased in bright, burning flames. Every moment that passed while it soared through the air, its momentum increased. Destroying entire grand-oak trees with a shockwave, as the egg whizzed past the forests. Waving the trees, tearing through the skies, the egg whistled, it spun through the air with a certain ferocity. As it began to pass Dome-Wyrd's sandy shores, all the while Vorago stared onwards, it finally began to ark. 
Hitting the water with a thud and sinking to its bottom. Impacting the water's surface, a pounding splash followed by an abrupt change in the flowing tide of the endless sea.  

Vorago, although miles away, could make out the splash just on the vast horizon. With a nod he began to look up in awe. 
He watched as the crystallized sphere encasing Domewyrd had rapidly dissipated into golden particles gently falling onto Dome-Wyrd's surface. Golden speckles touched the flowers and bountiful grass, they too dissipated. Upon this moment Vorago realized that there was no fog or raiding thoughts conquering his mind that seemed to swirl around him like an unending flame. There was only Dome-Wyrd, and those responsible for this flawless creation; Vaea, and Vorago. 

He didn't ponder of the confusion, or what had transpired, he couldn’t even recollect it, or the frozen sphere that once toward above him. Vorago merely stood there, appreciating everything in his presence. The beauty of existence.

Vorago picked his colossal self-up, he began striding with a certain godly pride back to the peak of Fairgun-Gard. For what do minor troubles matter when we have this creation of godly splendor; Domewyrd! Vorago thought as he chuckled, reeling his body limb-by-limb back into Fairgun-Gard's now damaged entrance. As his limbs were stuck in the entrance, they shrunk back to his containable size, fit for the palace of gods.

Vorago strolled in the palace with a new-found confidence, he gazed past the enormous throne and to the left, toward the balcony, Vaea it seemed, had finally moved. "To where?"  He briefly wondered, just before he could finish the thought he had heard her voice suddenly, from behind him. Vorago quickly turned around to find that the throne was now facing him, Vaea was sitting there, although, much larger than he remembered. Her immensity crashed through the ceiling as Vorago looked upon her. 
The upper-half of her body was sticking out of a hole at the top of the palace. She peered down at Vorago with demeaning eyes that made him shrink, even smaller than he already was. Vaea began to slowly stretching as the Ceiling of the palace crashed above Vorago, he dashed to the entrance with a leaping-roll. Barely making it out of the way she now began to cackle a maddening cackle, it reverberated throughout the palace and forced Vorago to shield his ears, as his eyes began to throb and shake. 

Vorago's face was now sweating, his seething darkness was erratic and wild. He stared right into her eyes, Vaea reclined in the throne, crashing the ceiling behind her and slouching her silky arms along the arm-rests. She crossed her legs as her skin shined. She then dawned a devious smile and piercing, bright eyes. 
Not even a god could deny them. She slowly stood up not restraining her eye contact on Vorago as her head tilted down, she opened her soft-jaw

"Vorago! my sweet! Darkened lover! Where have you been!" She yipped in an unpleasantly perfect tone.
"We have a world to shape in my! Oh, I mean, OUR IMAGE." She sarcastically commented. Smiling down on Vorago, she snapped her fingers, almost instantly shrinking down to his size. She stood brushing off her robe, her soft hands clasped together. She motioned for him to come closer. "Come, Come my love! See what your seething darkness has helped create."

As Vorago suspiciously stepped toward her, her head cocked down toward his seething darkness. Her smile mutated into a wryly grin, flashing it back to innocent she begins walking beside Vorago, toward the balcony. He followed in-suit onto the balcony as Vaea slipped in front of him, her eyes scanning him from his darkness, all the way to his glowing eyes. 
She rubbed her slender fingers slightly across his broad chest, twirling around Vorago, just behind him, her arms slung around his thick neck.

"And so, it would seem the world has its first breath."
Vorago slowly stated, suspiciously. She clasped his hands in hers, gently. "Vorago my love! Look upon the sprawling life we have created! This land! its inhabitants!" "All of what stands before us, truly, it is ours to shape as we please!" "For our own desires, I mean yours, my oh so powerful and undeniable one!"
She ranted maniacally. Vaea pauses, and then sarcastically continues as her velvety lip twitches.
"Or there's..."

Vorago grunts, sliding her hand off of his shoulders.
"No Vaea, it will always be for them, and for things even unbeknown to us.” “It's for the mortals and their children. Their children's children, and every generation after." Vorago began strolling to the railing of the balcony, his hands clasped behind his waist.
"The sprawling life we were blessed with; the gifts we were destined with.” Vorago clenches his fists.
"It will be our grandiose legacy! that in time, it will be held only in the tales and myths of this aging young land." 
Upon Vaea's face was a look that was displeased, a disgusted look. Appalled by Vorago's words, her bright eyes darkened within a millisecond of a moment, throwing her hands to the side of her hips, smacking her lips and raising her eyebrows. "Oh, but my great and powerful lover... you can't be so foolish as to believe that the watchers themselves, the only beings known higher than us! the gods of creation! the first ones! intended for us to be so... BORING!" "Vorago, my liege, please understand. We have potential, these lands have potential!" She begins stepping forward, swinging her hips, her left hand drops behind her waist as a bright, white-glow illuminates her curves.
“Imagine what we could do, together.”
"We can be so much more, whatever we choose in fact! We could sail the cosmos with these lands as our vessel!" "Two lovers! Oh, my sweet. We would be revered, praised by the mortals below!"
Her face twitched with excitement, her eyes bulging, her voice was cracking and shaking, the muscles in her neck were tense. Vorago reeled back, on his guard with his fists clenched even tighter, his eyes squinted.
"YOU ARE MAD VAEA." Vorago shouted in a booming echo.

Vaea suddenly pursed her lips in an "o" with her eyes squinted, she instantaneously cackled. She cackled a cackle no god, no mortal should ever hear. "Mad? Mad? MAD? VORAGO?!" Her voice escalated into shrieks, her muscles tensed, and spit flew from her perfect lips. "MAD, is having so much seething power! and not doing a god-damn thing with it! You're the mad one Vorago!!" "You're weak! you're pathetic! you are no god! You couldn't have gotten even half as far WITHOUT ME!!" Vaea was practically foaming at the mouth, her voice reverberating and echoing all throughout the palace.
Her echoing voice began bursting all the windows, glass shattering every-which-way. "No Vorago, you're not mad you are a fool. Do you know why my beloved?" Her voice rapidly shrunk, she was absolutely calm now. Vorago balls his fists shaking ferociously. "How am I the fool Vaea? If I have been tricked, if the evil did not lie below with the soon to be mortals." He sternly shouted.

"If the evil of this world, perhaps, perchance, stood before me all this time." Vorago raises his left arm.
"You are the fool Vaea." "For such a great evil, you have already revealed your ideals, you have already given me the scope of your deceit and treachery, possibly even your plan." He began screaming a scream that made the rain start-up, and the lightning crash in a rage. "You foul temptress, you heathen, do you honestly think you could defeat me? Blowing your horn? Screaming at the one soul in this young world, that was created for you? to help you and shape this world? To guide the both of you? “YOU WOULD DARE DEFY I, VORAGO, THE GOD OF DEATH?!”
Vaea gazed, dumbfounded and indefferent as she spoke. “Oh, Vorago, I don’t need you darling, I just need your delicious power.”
Vorago shaking with rage shouted back.
Callously, Vaea responded. “This predestined fate the watchers gave us?” “Who’s to say I ever wanted to love you Vorago?” “I never got to choose”
“I went along with the charade as long as I could, but I never lied, I do love you.”
“I love your power.”

Vaea smirks, bursting into an uncontrollable chuckle. Vorago raises his fists, grunting. He begins pummeling toward Vaea, each step booms, each step gets heavier as he sprints toward her. The darkness that flows behind Vorago pulsates, it drags behinds him, growing, the voices of many began to scream and shriek. 
His darkness whips behind him violently. Oozing onto his body, forming an exoskeleton that hardens into a dark suit of plate armor, just as he raises his fist and screams "VAEA", his armor now ignites into a white, blazing, flame.
Vaea, steps to the right, just in time. Her footwork is incredible, graciously daunting. Down below Fairgun-Gard it was a bolt of lightning illuminating the unlit sky. Vorago grunted in a confusion stopping him-self with his heavy, dreadful, blazing, armor. Planting his feet into the marble as he slides across the marble, the floor cracked and flew behind him. Gazing into her, her mouth opened quickly, perhaps too quickly.
"Fine, have it your way Vorago, this was a test, and a 
test you have now failed.” "Such a sad fate for a god, you could have been such a great partner."
She revealed her hidden hand, in that moment Vorago truly knew not only fear, but defeat. Grey vapors assimilate from Vaea’s slender fingers. The vapors crawl and creep betwixt Vorago's seething darkness. Seemingly enough, their colors mutate, blending with Vorago's seething and undeniable power. Vaea croaks, replacing her hands on his wide shoulders as she grins a vile smile and speaks.
"But my love, aren't we worthy enough to have just a bit of fun with these boring mortals?" Something changed in Vorago's demeanor, as if his mind became a decrepit ruin whose contents amounted to only archaic, and rotten water. He seemed disassociated and monotonous, Vorago simply replied in slow but forced, distant sentences.
Like a cadaver slowly rotting, his jaw creaked open and slowly spoke. "Yes, yes, my queen, creation is a task only fit for a goddess, and as a god I know you forever wait in my lucid dreams. My dreams rife with colossal towers oozing black-tar, vales in plain sculpted in your image. With lands riddled with war, death, and brutal sacrilege, yes I know you wait in my lucid dreams…" She turns his shoulders toward the throne as he slowly drags his heavy plated feet throughout the palace. Vorago plops his body downward into the throne, his armor crashing, his head bobbing on the cushion behind him as his bright and golden eyes began to dim, slowly. 

Vaea walked over to Vorago’s slumped body, casually, her hips swinging, her lips whistling, her arms swinging exuberantly. Vorago's limbs go limp as he slouches forward, lifeless and hollow.
Vaea started egotistically raving. "Slumber soundly my wretched god of death! You'll find when you wake up, well if you do. You'll find that this world will truly be a deserving world! Or at the very least much different than you thought it would be, oh my love, I yearn for the reaction in your golden orbs of light. It will truly be splendid." She giggles with her hand covering her perfect jaw, sliding her hand onto his shoulders, playfully patting his head.  Sarcastically she begins exaggerating with a flare. "Oh, dear me! Dear me! you can't hear a word can you? Well slumbering gods are the worst, what's a lonely goddess to do!?" She cacklesd into a reverberating hysteria. She was holding her stomach as tears began to line her delicate face. She joyfully slapped Vorago's shoulders, shaking his lifeless body. Vaea hops up on her toes, strolling to the balcony's railing, making sure to bounce playfully over the dents that Vorago had left on the palace floor amidst his failure of a fight, actually, my dear readers it was more of a struggle. Then again, we all lose fights against the ones we love, or loved. Some are temporary, and some are dreadfully permanent.
Bored, Vaea began rambling to herself. "Vorago, Vorago, Vorago, it's a shame because your name has quite the pleasant ring to it. I love the way it rolls of my tongue, don’t you? Hmm, what a shame, we could've been such a delightful pair my dear! It's going to be a gorgeous! A horrendous! A chaotically euphoric ride my love! Now slumber while I show you the true power, the true destiny the watchers gave to us."

With Vorago's slumber, the world was now truly blind to the truth. They weren't foolish, they weren't ignorant, but merely blind to the definition of the world's absolute truths. For the first ones, the first entities birthed into the universe. They were now a lie, Vaea siphoned Vorago's seething darkness from his unconscious body, now the god of death is nothing more than a lifeless vessel of untold power. For now, the world wasn't ruled by both of the foolish gods, only the treacherous Vaea. She was now the puppet -master of Dome-Wyrd, she spawned the titanium strings that she would inevitable tug. 
The world and all its inhabitants were now her little lost experiments of sadistic pleasure. There are forces even higher than the first ones, and ever since that fateful moment in history, Time stood still in Domewyrd. 

Terrible endings always have a beginning, Vaea, concocted a vile, vile plan, her terror had no bounds, her evil had no limits. She knew her first step was to slowly, but surely, corrupt each king that Vorago had so foolishly hoped for and gleefully instructed her to create.
Vaea, although, as deceitful as she was, was distrusting and paranoid. In her delusions she had decided that shortly after Vorago had revealed his plan to lead this universe through fear, trauma, and war. Forcing all of the societies to affray for their honor, to prove their worth. All-the-while keeping the mortals greed contained by riddling the sprawling hills with titanic beasts that the mortals would slay, time and time again. Just like the civil war Vorago had planned for, he would indeed learn from their mistakes. 

That from their mistakes that they would all band-together. For greater threats, for the greater good, for enlightenment, for honor, for their future, for their children's future, For Dome-Wyrd. 
Vaea being the treacherous being that she was, knew exactly how to turn this plan on top of itself. She thought it was foolish to trust these mortals, that they could use all of these kings. To control the vast continent. To control the mortals, you must first control the ones that foolishly lead them. With Vorago in a deep, soundless slumber. With Vaea's very existence pulsing. she knew not only what to do, but how to do it, how she could use the mortals, to harness even more flourishing power, their very essence of life; Their souls. 

She knew that somewhere on this juvenile world that there lied something Vorago had planted. If the watchers created the first ones, who by chance, created the world before them. There had to be something else, something that could lead her to a power even greater than the watchers themselves, something in Dome-Wyrd. Even more so than the power now coursing through her veins. After all, someone had to have created the watchers, didn’t they? 
She didn't know the answer to this revolving question. She felt it like the energy she was siphoning from Vorago, every vile plan must have an origin. For a great change to transpire across the lands in a chain-reaction. It matters not how grand the evil is, or the complexity of the diabolical plan. 
For whatever plan, or whatever evil that sweeps across unsuspecting lands. All it ever takes is a first-step, one small-step, after that, the pieces will flawlessly fall into the place. 
With patience, time, and a truly sadistic mind. Any terrible future can be realized; any doom can be wrought. Any plague can be spawned, any evil can find a foot-hole, in any world, no matter how precious or pure. No matter how beautiful and pristine. Regardless of how many seemingly endless nights that you pray underneath the empty sky. Life cannot exist without death, light cannot exist without shadow. Joy cannot exist without pain, and surely, good cannot not exist without evil. As Vaea’s plan would soon grow with time, she would also soon come to know that even gods can make mistakes, just as Vorago did in trusting her.
To the west of Dome-Wyrd’s daunting greenwood, far out in the sea, but not too far. A world apart lied a series of islands, unbeknown to the rest of the world. Homely, kindhearted, and honest folk resided among these isles. Shaped in a upside-down “U”, the waters that surrounded them were littered with fish, making it not only an applicable market of sales, but a logical one as well. Although where business thrives, shady and disheartened men will soon find themselves in the basements of your homes...


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