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The Chronicles of Domewyrd: 14

The Second King of Yore: 
The Rotting Kingdom Of the Plagued Snow Elves.

I: A Haunting Odyssey

  As one calamity rises-and-falls, another is only bound to transpire, ever too soon. Little did the mortals know, they would cherish these simple days, in dark days to come, they will pray to have these days back in their arms. Ah, alas, foolish dreaming won't stop the sun from rising, that none of the poor mortals happened to hope for. 

 Far to the north of the bubbling bogs, past forests that have no end, past hellishly deep desert canyons that know only the driest, most physically testing of climates. There lies a mountain range, unlike any other. The daunting peaks were undiscovered, penetrating through the gloomy rain-bloated clouds above. 

  Vaea, snapped her flawless fingers of starlight, and yelped, 
 “astral eggs!” Weaving her hand in a circular motion around an invisible point on the center of The now repaired balcony. No repairs can erase the memory. 

 In her mystical oscillating of her writing appendage. An egg that somehow floated two-feet in the air, began to slowly breathe, as life spawned inside, it sat silently, breathing. 
 Vaea, positioned herself as if she was about to lift something tremendous, heaving as she showed no effort whatsoever. Her hands now illuminated a bright purple that drifted around the egg in an oddly familiar, misty way. 
 The bright mist surrounded the egg, lifting it above the railing, shooting downward at such a speed it caught flame, crashing into a towering fang of earth. 

 Mountain, like the humans call it. Adorning the icy tower of earthly nature with a lovely mole of Mother Nature- but even Mother Nature can look like a wench, and Vaea merely waited… 
 This particularly specific mountain that lied just in the  center of all the other peaks, peering over the rest like an abusive grandfather, with a closed-fist. 
Down the side of it’s astoundingly snowy cliffs, was a small quaint town, a trading-village, one long, dirt-road, there were houses of the stone variety, hastily slapped together, on each-side stood a number of stalls. From locally picked herbs, to freshly cooked meats that by the gods, you could smell them the next town over.

 Many passerby, came just for trading. Tanners, hunters, carriages for transport, down the mountain, doctors, traveling merchants, all-of-the-like-gathered round in the town center. or as per usual, the clanging & hollering pub. Proudly named, "The Owl's Eye" they called it, with a proper sign, barely hanging above. 
  The weathered sign displayed a sad owl with exaggeratedly large eyes; Stone cups for pupils. Behind all of the stalls on either side of the road, hid the merchants homes. 

 While this town is important, it is not yet, for our story takes us up the untraveled snowy paths. Leading up the grueling mountain, behind the town passed the houses with an abandoned path- set in the grooves of the soil, that seemingly had no-end. 
 A daunting inclination, Into an Unventured, unlit cave, pitch black and vacant, only accompanied by the yet-to-be-named-horror, and the creeping wind. Up an unforeseeable, inclined, tremendous path, that ascended outrageously steep, out a small entry-way, up the violently hailing sides of the frigid, frightening, icy cliffs. 

Looking down, the small town had become an insignificant dot. Up these spiraling, death harbinger, windy cliffs. There stood another entrance, covered in snow-ridden boulders. 
Although, they would not always be covered. The paths would not always be untraveled, the caves will not always be vacant, the spiraling, windy cliffs would not always be treacherous. 
 Just as humans shall not be the only race to walk the betraying soil of Dome-Wyrd. In all it’s tragic magnificence, to think, that one day soon, all of it’s overwhelming splendor, will become ashy, betrayed, poisonously miasmic dust, it really is such a ghastly shame.

 Hopefully these documentations of yore do in fact reach the eyes of the chosen one, only time can tell, even some things I, Ghloth The Astral, do not know, but for now, with that hope in mind, our story takes us to the north-west of this colossal mountain. 
 Within the middle of the ocean, colossal booms of noises filled the air in an overflowing pummel of motion, dispersing the water’s waves as it passed. Like the snow elves whom would soon burn at the stake by their fragile giraffe-like throats. 

 A titan of a vessel, migrating towards Dome-Wyrd, boarding peculiarly attractive faces, male & female with the queerest bent-back-pointy ears. They almost looked liked blades aiming toward the back of their skull. 
 Their skin shined like the moon’s judging glare, slender in build but durable in physique, their metal armor clanked as they moved about. There was something nasty in the air, they would soon regret not investigating. 

 As three elves stood on the bow of the ship, idly conversing. All perfectly slender, except for one chubby fellow, you could tell in the way they pointed their heads high, they were nobles. Their likeness funded the possibility  of them being brothers. 
 Dressed in bright, shining, green glass armor, that held the purest tint of blue. All three of the elves, had white silk capes that draped to their calves. One of the three, the tallest one, the one they referred to as “Mondnee Zweckavire.” Spoke-up in a stern, commanding voice of perfect articulation, you could tell in his tone, he of all the three elves, was the proudest to be alive.
 "We have no other option brothers, we're out of supplies, the crew is weak, our brothers are weak, WE, are weak. Both of you are mad from starvation, as acting officer, under father, we need to dock, we need to find supplies, it's not a matter of pride anymore- it's a matter of fucking survival, you bloody morons." 

 The other two elves, were of almost exact height, but slightly differing. Mondnee being the tallest one bit his lip until it bled, the second tallest one, who was slightly chubby, who they called freuapport “fray” Zweckavire. Fray, pointed at the tallest one and spoke-up in a squirrelly voice.

"Fine, fine.. but we hide our faces, these lands are foreign- and not our own brother, we make it quick, then we continue our journey, to the mountains that possess our father's dreams, if we can even call them that. We mustn't be delayed, Father’s mind, mutates more each day, we both fear the worst, for the sake of mother, we must find this place before it kills the lot of us." Mondnee cocks his perfectly shaped eyebrows and pucks his effeminate lips. 

"Yes, but remember who first in line to the throne is, little brothers. The little gifts your were born with, better serve me in the coming days, or i'll slit your throats where you foolishly and idly stand." The younger brother Unternit zweckavire, said nothing, along with the rest of the Snow-Elf brothers. They hung their heads, as shadows crawled, night fell. 

  The mass of land they had spotted earlier in the day was closer than ever now, they could finally be convinced after years of travel, it wasn't a mirage. 

  As they slowly docked into the sand their boat stopped moving, in the captain’s quarters there lied a comfortable bed crafted of the purest gold, that one could lay eyes upon. 
 In this specific bed, there lied the Snow-Elf King- “Mondisi Zweckavire”, tumbling restlessly, grunting in terror, sweating swords, a puddle surrounded his body, his wife, the incomparable queen. “Pauhambre Zweckavire” Stood there, terrified by the horrifying scene that splayed itself before her. The Queen bit her nails, as her king uttered something horrendously foul in a language unknown to her- though unknown she screamed with certainty,    
“DAEMON!” For if that queen knew what he dreamed about- guttural ramblings or not, demons were the very least of her problems. 

 Vague, blurry, intoxicated dreams of strobing visions. A world of darkness, surrounded in a black sea of tar. Bubbling acidic puss, bones-half-dissolved, bob every so often. No light is shone, but gut-spinning terrifying screams of unholy nature resonate from every direction. 
 There is a giant corpse, screaming. It’s existence, horrifying, rotting meat, dripping- spontaneous flames encase the great dead being. It is.. 
 The queen that lie in the corner of the room- crying, screaming still- Unbeknownst to the queen, the king was aware of her cries, although he could not recognize them. Something swam in the black-tar between the crying cadavers immense legs.
  The dream captivated him, he was surrounded by a plane of darkness, but none of this ever stopped his psyche. Lost in the dream light, he realized what stood in front of him. Mondisi saw it with effulgence, witnessing an amalgamation, of pure terror. There she arose from the acidic waters of abscess, towering over him and the dead-being for that matter. She cackled, she laughed, nothing could deter the colossal beauty from the poor snow-elf, king. Wading through the water with malignancy and an unavoidable piercing gaze.
What Mondisi witnessed, it is almost unbearable as mortal life. Nothing can stop the flowing endlessness of energy, nothing can stop the grueling teacher of time. No one can define sanity, if they themselves have not experienced the dominating terror, of life. The horror that cripples the strongest individuals. His dream, spoke in volumes that no mortal could ever witness. For it would mean utter insanity to any human that viewed it’s devilish nature. 

 The irrefutable amalgamation of fear, utter mind-bending-terror. That caused the brain to sparkle and snap, only greeted by the individual's reality destroying screams. The towering beauty that peered over the dead giant being’s shoulders, was not his queen. 

  The dream itself, stood on its own, creating a universe inside of the king’s skull. She reached and waded toward him and again all he could do was scream, not once, but several times, one after another. The next one only igniting the proceeding one’s severely increased intensity. Caught in a ghastly loop of fear, all the king could do was stare and acknowledge the almost indescribable beings that stood before him in the bleak, poisonous waters of black-tar. In all of her immensity, her jaw lowered and spoke as her towering existence bent toward him, smirking a smirk that only a snake would wear. 

“Why, hello my miniscule king of elvan descent!” The Great dead being, and the towering Vaea now stood before him as he, The Snow-Elf King, shouted nonsensical words in a wheezing tone. 

 “Dead breaths.. Feel terror, cover skin, babbling madness can save… must follow the light, she: all, she: splendor, she: power, She...commands..Musn’t deny.. thine purpose..” The beast slippery, responded.

 “Mondisi what if i told you, you- and your subjects were destined to own a mountain, and inside of that mountain a glass kingdom built just for you, the ever so intriguing Snow Elves.” Mondisi’s screaming finally ceased. 

 “Lies! Y-y-ou must be a daemon! Trying to coerce me for your own agenda!” Vaea raised her titanic eyebrow, “Coerce? Well to me my dear mortal, it seems as if you are trapped within your own light of dreams. It’s a shame that a queen like yours is being neglected and frightened just so.” Vaea laughs as Mondisi is filled with a rage- 
 “YOU LIE! She is safe!” he then begins to wonder, confused, now plagued with the oscillating thought. “What if the only truth I know, this demon has spawned?” His vocal shrieks began to silence themselves, Vaea smiling, talked with a laugh.
 “Oh, Mondisi is the mortal mind wandering? Unsure if you can even decipher reality anymore? Confused? Lost? Don’t worry I shall guide you.” She smirks holding her gigantic palm outwards, spawning a blinding ball of light that glimmers in speckles all around Mondisi. 

 All of The Mondisi’s skepticism and fearful intuition, that he was right to have- dissipated in the moment he reached forward and touched the ball of light that whispered too many voices to ponder over. Even Mondisi’s emotions had vanished, he was but a husk of a Snow-Elf. These wheezing words he had spoke but moments ago within the dominating light of his detrimental dreams of vile malignancy. 

 The King; Escaped from his dreams as he rose like the undead, domewyrd had yet to see. The Snow-Elf King, Mondisi was Draped in a white-silken robe, parted in the middle, revealing his chest which was covered and protected by a blackened-chain mail. His hair a dark brown, flowed to his perfectly sculpted shoulders. On his forehead he donned a white-oak circlet. From the center lied an unmistakeable emerald, it stood in an oval fashioned- locked-in-place by the design of his circlet which had a remarkable level of craftsmanship. The emerald itself, emitted a small light...which it had never emitted before. He was frail, sickly looking, far skinnier than his sons. 
 His aged Elvan face, wrinkled and oiled with sweat, he had dark circles that were more akin to bottomless pits. Mondisi sat on his sweat-drenched-bed, his palms on the mattress, shaking. Mondisi, The Snow-elf King’s eyes darted before the queen. His emotionless fear, morphed into a deep worry, followed by a brisk gasp. Mondisi snapped out of his tranced state, lost in speckles of light before him-that he thought vanished with his dream, he shouted with a crack in his voice. 

 “M-my Queen! What is the matter my starlight?!” She then reeled back to the corner of the room in a state of undeniable fright. 
 “Y-you, you were possessed! I saw the devil talking through your mouth! The skin that made it’s words heard, were not yours! I cannot say for sure if you are still my husband, let alone our king..” Mondisi pleaded with her with a worry that only a father could display. 
 “My moonborn love, please, it was just a dream! I cannot recollect what transpired but please, know that it is I, Mondisi, your king and husband, your starbound lover.” The queen scuffled backwards, more than uncertain of Mondisi. She began shaking as a sentence vibrated from her lips in an earthquake of vocality, in a thunderous boom. 

 “NO! I KNOW WHAT I SAY AND SAW MONDISI! Y-Y-YOU WERE SPEAKING IN FIERY TONGUES OF FOREIGN ABYSSES, AND GODS AND GODDESSES THAT WE AS SNOW-ELFS, DO NOT BELIEVE, NOR HAVE WE EVER ACKNOWLEDGED” A wind passes the King’s Ears- The worried scowl scrawled upon his face vanished, with rage-spawned-paranoia. 
 “She wants the Kingdom for her own, do not trust her… My chosen King…Nor your sons...” Mondisi whispers to himself in a raspy voice. “Yes, okay, my queen... of godly light, ENOUGH” The King, shouts in a scream that rattled the door frame,
that seemed to never cease, until the king himself, ran out of breath. 
The queen cowered even smaller than before, the king now heaving, veins bulging, the ferocity seemingly crept from nowhere. The queen confused, rattling, clinging to the dusty wall. she could only yelp- 
 “Mondisi.. I love you…” The king struck her in such a force, you could hear the jaw pop-and break, you could see the terror in her eyes- 
 As the king bent down, balling his fist, directing his hand with hatred, as she convulsed like a fish out of water, on the cabin floor. 
 The king thrusted his fist not just once- not just twice, or even three times, but six times. Each time Mondisi’s fist reeled back toward his chest for another strike of skin-ripping-lightning. Blood speckled like the blinding light, he touched in his dreams that he himself, could not remember, even if his life depended on recollecting this one specific nightmare. The King may have not remembered any moment of the hellish dream, but he did stop- 

 The halting I speak of, I have to slowly, carefully explain, whomever happens to find these documents, for the scene was so gruesome, I must warn you- 
Even for a being that is not held by the laws of man- nor understood, by man, or time for that matter. Though we do not understand concepts of good versus evil, methinks the mortals ways may have rubbed off, it is a shame they never stopped us..  As for The Snow-Elf King’s Wife, his beloved queen, it is even more of a shame. His wife-

 Coughed-up bursts of blood, measured by the volume of the puddles displayed on the wooden ship’s floor as gut-sickening, holding her ribs, she then gasped for air. Mondisi snapping into the situation, more confused than a raped-child, his face was a waterfall of tears, staring at his now bruised hands. 

 There was no one else to logically blame, the evidence screamed at him in certainty, Mondisi then screamed- The queen’s face, was truly now… unique.
 Her jaw mangled, twisting to the left, teeth missing that lied across the room, blood-ridden eye that bulged from swelling. Nose-broken and shifted-upwards, her face was painted with bruises and she wasn’t the least coherent. 

 The queen mumbled in a daze, this time puking another immense puddle of blood, all over herself. What once was starlit and beautiful, was now abused. Mondisi’s eyes widened at the sight. As he felt the guilt overwhelm him he grabbed her broken-body and lied her on a rug, he had pulled from under a table. Placing it on the floor, just to the left of their bed.   
 The queen groaned as she was placed firmly. Mondisi opened a wooden cabinet placed above the sink in their shared lavatory, grabbing gaus. The king, poorly and erratically attempted to mend the wounds that he could hardly accept were caused by his own loving hands. The queen’s face wrapped and hidden, he held her unconscious body, weeping quietly. 

  Outside of the king’s tragic door, his son’s began to argue. The waves crushing against the boat, ripping around the bow of the vessel, were especially violent. Thunder and lightning filled the sky. The king limps, and stampedes through his door.
 "Enough! We are Snow-Elves, we are elves, born from the presence of the moon itself, our knowledge discovered, deserves, no, howls! To be shared with the world. Even if, that certain world doesn't like the way our ears are shaped, or the glow of our skin." Following The Snow-Elf King’s rant- 

 He is possessed by a vicious cough, that makes all of the brothers, reel back in a synchronised concern. 
 “We have no other option, we need supplies, and we will not hide our faces...never again. If they do deny us trade, we take-  What we tried to fairly barter for. Then again, the most romantic tales, only result in tragedy. What you fail to realize is, my beloved sons.” 
Mondisi commanded his sons. Pointing toward the window. 
 “This island we are approaching, the island we have been searching for, that has dominated my sleep.”

 The brothers looked onward, The island they were approaching miles in the distance, it was unlike any landscape they had ever laid their Elvan eyes upon. 
 The sandy beaches towered by rolling hills, shadowing ranges of mountains, in the distance deserts and forests riddled with such an immensity it was unbelievable. Although, a thick mist poured through all of the incomprehensible lands. The beauty before them deserved to be written about until time loses its meaning. The brothers looked onto one another, perplexed how they all knew that they all had shared the same exact thought..

 As the brothers idly stood, confused, staring unto the island before them, the king spoke behind them, his boney-fingers gripping their pauldrons. 

 "Just in case there are injustices, Mondnee will go alone, at first light. He will gather the supplies we need, while you two venture on, toward the mountain. Mondnee will meet-up with you at the base of the mountain, at the town, after the supplies are gathered- by any means necessary. A few days travel on the road, will lead us to the entrance of the mountain. The moment all of you meet at the town nearby, will begin a test only an Elf could survive. We will claim that mountain for our own, and i will live to see it." The King stated intensely, even though this island was never part of the journey, the brothers pondered and were frustrated, unable to recollect homelands. 
 Mondisi began yawning as he felt a dream lull him, the boys do the same. Small beds bolted to the floor, down some old wooden steps on the left-side of the room, lied and slept a garrison full of sleeping Elves. All of their snoring bodies, experiencing the same haunting dream, that the king, was about to be coaxed into by an infectious dream light.   
 All groaning in their sleep, their groans turn to shouts and devolve into mumbles. As this creates a pattern, the sound cycles through all of the dreaming elves. Echoing and reverberating throughout the hull, terrifying, Freay the younger brother. 

 Leading them into yet another sleepless night. On most occasions you would say a sleepless night is worse, but this isn't many occasions, and the brothers were in fact, dreaming. 

 From a bird's eye view- There it was, in all of its undeniable existence, an unbelievably daunting mountain, that stood beneath the moon, a kingdom built of glass in the mountains themselves.
 A glimmering goddess stood on a balcony, that shined of starlight, and a familiar, feminine voice began to echo. “This, this is my gift to the elves, and deep inside this glass kingdom that I- The goddess of light have bestowed upon you. Within it’s dry caverns, lies something i dare not spoil with mere words. You must find it for yourself and all the power it emits and will bless you with.” A beast slowly growls, Echoing from the depths of the mountain, sounds of meat sloshing, the caverns within the mountain rumble & shake. The feminine voice begins to echo again, 

 "Something monstrous dwells within the basement of this palace, kept caged in, or keeping it for yourself, I will let all of you decide." The fog that drips off of the mountain hypnotizes, as does her voice. An ominous figure shadows in the basement, against the wall it slivered, its shadow seemed to bubble and morph as it moved, a mass of something grotesque. 
 With a bubbly sound it began to howl like a wolf, the louder it’s howl bellowed. The more a shadow of dozens of eyeballs began to bulge. 

 Rewinding out of the basement, out of the glass kingdom, back above the endless mountain, everything below burned into a bright orange blaze. The high-born domain of the snow elves rested high-above the mundane domain of man. Past all of it's bland hills, murky rivers and eerie greenwoods was a frosty snow-covered mountain-range. That no man dared to venture without reason. If any man did, they would surely see that one mountain is higher than all the rest. Towering over the domain of man like a pinnacle of remembrance, how they built their little insignificant towns, castles and kingdoms around and below it's colossal and icy nature. It was the home and domain of the first and last..of their kind. 

 The Snow-Elves. Deep inside this colossal mountain. If you listened closely beneath the furious sounds of a blizzard's roaring wind. You could faintly hear the somber sound of the clanking metal against their mystical anvil "Muurin." That The king himself, along with his snow-elf kin would soon find for themselves.  Deep inside the echoing caves of the towering mountain was a kingdom truly fit for beings of divine purpose. Or at least Vaea let them believe that this “Empire of Glass” was built, specifically for them- and not the horrendous thing that lies within..


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