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The Chronicles of Domewyrd: 17

IV: A Hidden, Glass Kingdom.

 Without thought they all strolled, one after another, their clanking metal footsteps were harmonious in this terrible monotony, that was only worsening. 
Into the dark caverns they repeatedly stomped. They could not see before them, but they all knew where to go, even the limping queen.

 The only light they could see, was a pinched cone of light, breaking the ceiling. Wandering through the hall of rock, toward the unknown cone of light, they saw its undeniable beauty and none of them could avert their glare. 

 Just beyond the rock-hall was a skinny pathway surrounded by a swaying body of water around them. At the end of this dimly lit path- there it stood. The thing this she-demon of sleep supposedly promised them, was not a lie. 

 Constructed in a strange cubic fashion made of a frosted white glass, there were two floors to the castle, and two towers that stood on opposite ends, to the right, behind the tower was a staircase and a very odd blue light that shone, that whispered to the king from afar. The palace doors were of the same hue that the odd blue light shone, at the doors top, lied a series of unfamiliar runes displayed in an arch. The door had no handles, behind this astounding palace of glass was a crystal-clear waterfall, in which they saw no possible route to gaze upon its nature. 
 After a moment of amazement and awe, they all strolled, silently. The harmonious clank of their armor started-up again. Their heads and eyes wandered in a seemingly distant and lost fashion, vacant husks they behaved like. 

 They could hardly handle the beauty of their new found kingdom along with the truth of dreams and a long voyage behind them, not to mention the horrors they all have been plagued with, were not for naught, they were uncertain. 

 The silence broke in tune with their rattling metal-armor, almost bursting from their skinny elvan frames, they began to cheer in celebration. A rarity in domewyrd, to relax unto the night without thoughts of disease ridden chaos. There was finally a good night before them, for awhile at least.. 

 The brothers were drinking, swapping insults by a campfire that they had created using only moss, from only vaea knows where. 
 The queen had fallen asleep, which was expected from the brutality she had yet to be rightfully treated for. The king however, had somehow wandered off,
Upon marble footsteps, Mondisi entered the palace. To his surprise when he had approached it, without a moment, to even ponder the unknown runes, the moonlit blue door, creaked open. 

 Mondisi teetered, drunkenly away to the throne room, where in his drunken stupor, looking at the endless quantities of books, had stumbled, and pulled just the right book, during the right fall. 
 A wall to the king’s left began to move along with the dust, revealing a passage he never expected, not even for one as intelligent and long-lived as an elder Snow-Elf. 

 The passageway sunk into a dark staircase, rife with cobwebs. Down into an unbeknown crypt. Cautiously, Mondisi, in a giggling vertigo, swayed down the archaic stairs. At the bottom of the webby stairs, the crypts hallways was dimly lit, by somehow still lit torches. 
 Gasping at the plethora of sarcophagi, how many generations lost, The King pondered while talking. Thankfully all the sarcophagi were closed- although, not just closed, bolted shut by a radiating aura of gold. Cobwebs and crawling bugs crushed under the motivation of the king's boots- he saw a light down one passageway and ran, nervously glancing behind him as he sprinted. The king heard the she demon-Vaea’s mocking laughter pass through the decrepit crypt. Running like the king never had before, at the end of the incessantly long crypt was a short staircase graced by a calming light and the sound of falling water. Passed the staircase, into the light, was a crumbling stone bridge, and.. 

 the waterfall! he had recognized it with the first smile he now donned, since seeing his glorious glass kingdom bestowed to him by the first one herself- Vaea. It was almost too good to be true, cautiously he stepped, or so Mondisi had thought. Halfway across the suspicious bridge, he triggered a pressure plate. The king whispered 

 “Shit. plague on my sodding face.” Looking down the king realized something was happening, although, he didn't know what. 

 Unsheathing his curved blade in desperation, the king was now ready for whatever it was that he had now feared. A stone block moved itself forward, just beneath the waterfall, spraying dust below, blocking the captivating crystal waterfall, as it ran across the block, revealing another archway that mocked the king. 
 Scratching his head he ignored clawing voices of belittlement, that now appeared around him at an alarming notice. Running into the entrance his sword ready. He gazed into the caverns before him dark, although, Mondisi, heard something breathing, heavily. The king slowed and quieted his steps with considerable caution..


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