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The Chronicles of Domewyrd: 21

VIII: A Glass Kingdom’s Prosperity.

 The following morning the king approached his new subjects that he found  ever so delightful, he strolled with a joyous hop, bouncing out of the palace doors, before him now stood a plethora of elves. Working on the homes they had promised, honoring their words. 
 Mondisi glowing like the day before them, the soldiers slung their tools and hammers over their shoulders- taking notice of their suddenly healthy king. 

 “Aye! our king isn't weary anymore! good tidings sire! And a swell rising we all hope!" The hearty elves hammering on the soon to be liveable homes, shouted. 

 Everyone else in town whispered, confused and at a loss, how not a soul has mentioned the guards that have yet to return, that the king, if it even was him, rudely sent to their possible death. 

 "don't worry about these homes, i'll gather some folk to take care of it- all of you however, I have a task, specifically for your set of skills." "Come, come, follow me I must show you the real treasure that makes this kingdom, truly special!" The men confused, mindlessly shrugged and followed, dropping their tools where they stood as they followed along. 

 Into the glass palace, up the spiraling staircase. The men cautiously followed upwards. Out on the balcony, they saw the enormous glowing hammer and the illuminated anvil, shining an unmistakable and captivating-glowing blue. 
   "Sire?" what is this glorious contraption! The king reaches his hand out, 
   "your sword if you would, for the matter of demonstration." The soldier notices his scarred palm, and nervously hands it over. Smashing the hammer atop the sword, they all see the clouds puff, glittering golden dust of the moon to decorate his sword. 
 The king holds the blade before their eyes, in an upright position, they gaze in awe as the blade is painted in a profound glow, mutating Elvan sword’s 

 "The only test i've given this mystical anvil, is my hand, and as you can see,” unhooking his bracers, Mondisi reveals his scarred palm, 

 “Even touching the blade has some cursed, dastardly effects..” He said, holding his hand upright. One can only imagine the affect it could have on piercing an assailant’s skin.
The Snow-Elf King rambled, 

 “First and foremost lads, this- all i can see, is the piles of coins calling out to me, this is a new discovery, a discovery that this world NEEDS. It's truly marvelous."  The knights looked at one another, drawing out their words in caution. 

 "So sire, the task?.."  the king jumps, startled by his forgetfulness  

 "oh! yes, yes yes," Mondisi’s words began flying out his mouth faster than his lips moved. Talking all too fast, 

 "I want you to take this bundle of blades to the closest towns available. Here's a map, I’ve marked all of the nearby villages, and respected outposts for all of you, and some rations, now see it done! I… we… need this, all of the beautifully tempting coin, that flutters before us in a world dictated by her…." the king stops himself 

 “her...the kingdom…” Mondisi, slowly stuttered. 
  “For the Kingdom!" The knights repeated and bellowed as they grabbed the satchel, slinging one on each of their shoulders, pounding against their pauldrons. 

The group of Elvan soldiers set out to meet the king's wishes, or so they foolishly thought, hell, even the rotting king, believed it so, realities doomin call. 
 The elves all marched down the spiral staircase, with the motivation of a herd of horses, shouting again and again- 

 “For the kingdom!” Their clanking boots carried the rhythm of their chants as they stomped out of the glass castle- through the semi-built town square, many of the homes still had yet to finish their foundation. 
 The one's working on these soon-to-be humble abodes, wiped their brow of sweat with a wince and looked on in disbelief as they, their elvan brothers,  sprinted out of the daunting mountain’s archway.

 The first elves, that have left since their doomed, sorrow-drenched arrival. Onto the cold slope they marched downwards. 


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