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The Chronicles of Domewyrd 22

IX: Repercussions of The White Past.

 All was quiet but the whistling wind that molested an unseen path, against the caverns walls, moving the water, in an erratic fashion. 
 The knights, slowly wandered down the icy mountain, careful, to not trip and slip down the frigid path of hidden slopes. Down into the village that was once, a horrendously horrible bloodbath, to these clueless elvan knights on prideful missions by Mondisi’s demand. Brought in by the king’s request, on a later date than the massacre, positively  unaware of the brother’s brutal squabble. 

 This stroll through a ghost town was pleasant, for them, if it were the brothers, irrefutably, it would have been unfathomably nerve racking. It's always better to be ignorant, than scared of the truth, Manis knew this, and soon, Mondisi would too..

 Broodth, was not a ghost town although, it may have seemed so. To these unsuspecting, snow elves, it made no difference. 

 A young girl, who was now a young woman, screamed from an open window inside a house to the west of them, just as they neared the exit of town, opposite from the beach, which the Elves colossal ship, their remarkable vessel, was missing. 

 The young woman’s ears twitched in disbelief. 

 "I remember your ears!." her shouts turned into bubbling screeches, the kind an upset child would devolve into, that would devour the world in such incomprehensible screams. 

 "Y-y-you, slaughtered me entire village!" The uneducated girl stuttered. 

  “I-I-I-I, watched you gut me mum.. And pa...GET OUT OF 'ERE." The soldiers confused, continued on with a shameful feeling they couldn't hope to understand.   
 Little did they know.. how far reaching a world of dreams is starting to become in this doomed-land, to every poor Burke snoozing in their misguided sheets. 

 The whispering evil of light that lurks above, where thought to be caring gods.
 Waiting, controlling, and dominating the world, one horrific piece at a time- 

 This existence called mortals, was no more than a game to her benevolence, all of these people, as they were called, merely pawns in her prestiges of a maddening, sickening greed labeled: greatness. 

 While the darkness slowly slumbered, under the lies of a false dawn, nothing could stop the blinding rays. 

 Everything in existence, requires balance, it is why the watchers planned for two gods- although they miscalculated the probability of flaws, unlike them, ever-watching, ever-aging, their existence.. 

 Unfathomable to mortals, to see The First Ones, would be the last thing the world would witness. The watchers, far above the first ones, in the unknown centers of the universe, are incomprehensible, their motives more vast than the dimension of dreams that incessantly lies. 
In the deepest abyss- an artifact lies waiting, a power-guarded by a fiend, the father waits to be awakened.. Vaea, desires to find the entrance to its darkest home of unfathomable depths.. 
To awaken “IT”, from it’s world bending slumber, would mean the collective death, of existence as a whole in this juvenile microcosm.. 

 The soldiers thought nothing of the young girl, which was a terrible mistake. A group of individuals awaited the Elves, that included the girl. This group of heaving, bloodlusting group of individuals, had waited ever since the mortal massacre of Broodth. 
 All children of those whom were slaughtered, they lived in camps- 
just outside of town, researching and adventuring, trying to find traces of these “murderous” elves, and scalp them. 

 As time’s endless wheels turned, their demented desire grew into horrible, attainable fantasies. All of the poor bastard children, having had lost their fragile minds, waiting for the elves just beyond the wall-less town of Broodth.    
 However long it may take. In the bushes, not even half a mile from their pitiful excuse for a camp, hidden in a small forest. As one of the Elvan soldiers began to tell a joke, interrupted, they all heard a rustle in the bushes and as they turned, saw a rusted blade go through the leader's scrawny chest. gasping  for air, the Snow-Elves drew their swords with an instant expression of hatred and rage, a dangerous rage, but it was already too late. 

 They watched the leader go limp, two individuals appeared behind one of the elves, and did the exact same, one through his chest. The other man stepped around and shoved the blade into his gurgling mouth. A horrible sight that only precedingly mutated to  worse, the final elf, was approached by the men that had killed the other two unfortunate elves.. 

 All at once, all three shoved their bloody-blades through his thin, pale neck, instantly going limp, spawning a pool of blood that by now, from all the other elves along with the dripping swords only connected, into a large, grotesque pool of revenge. 
 The group of individuals were so unhinged from their realities that they had felt nothing, there was no cheering, no tears, no screams, or even words, there were no emotions displayed. 
 Only they themselves could decide if it was indeed worth the detrimental life they have lived. The group of individuals simply strolled back to camp, all mindlessly getting in their shifty beds that matched the state of their mind- 

 Filthy, and unkempt. None of them went to sleep, rather they all unsheathed their dirty, blood-covered blades, simultaneously almost in a horrifying melody; Slit their throats and jabbed the blades into their tired necks. 

 The girl knowing what was planned came to the scene in a hurry, delayed by her mockery, the elves dead, a river of blood now floated down the road, she clenched her fists and ran toward their depressing camp. 
 Only to find the obvious scene of blood- that was now another river, staining the innocent forest, staining the grass a disappointing red. 
 The startled girl dropped to her knees, crying into the poisoned grass. Slamming her fists into the dirt, she shrieked 

 "WHY! you were supposed to wait for me! I'm alone- AGAIN!" Her sobbing only got worse, wiping her face and standing up, snivelling toward one of the bodies of regret that lied before her. 
 She then lied down, cuddling with a girl who only looked a little older than her, and shared a striking resemblance- 

 Sobbing into her breast, she felt a haunting dream possess her into a seizure, brain-dead and drooling, as the day just began- her world faded.


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